Contact Us

We care about the development of our local community and so our office is based in a regeneration area of Middlesbrough, affectionately known as "The Hood".  Despite looking rather daunting from the outside it does have some great plus points, we have solicitors as new neighbours (so we must be doing something right), a very friendly and caring owner of the local shop (where we buy our milk & biscuits) and a fantastic bakers around the corner (Cherry pie to die for). 

Inside we've redeveloped the building to be a haven of vibrant colour, comfy seating and a bright and light atmosphere, perfect for getting the creative and business ideas flowing (with fresh brewed coffee on tap because this always helps).

Please contact us to make an appointment to discuss your needs and to find out how we can help you (or just to check out The Hood and enjoy a cup of coffee).

Creative Consultancy

16 Howard Street
Lorne/Howard Industrial Estate

Tel: 07734925999
